Accessing view or folder properties

The following table lists the view and folder properties.

PropertyData typeDescription
AliasesArray of strings(Read-write) View names subsequent to first listed name. You can set aliases with SetAliases.
AllEntries NotesViewEntryCollection(Read-only) All the entries in a view
AutoUpdateBoolean(Read-write) True if the front-end view is updated each time a change occurs in the back-end
BackgroundColor Integer(Read-write) The background color of a view
ColumnCount Integer(Read-only) The number of columns in a view
ColumnNames Variant(Read-only) The names of the columns in a view. For COM only.
ColumnsNotesViewColumn array(Read-only) Columns that are in the view
CreatedDate/Time(Read-only) Creation date and time
EntryCountInteger(Read-only) The number of documents in a view
HeaderLines Integer(Read-only) The number of lines in the header of a view
HttpURL String(Read-only) The HTTP URL of a view.
IsCalendar Boolean(Read-only) True if the view is a calendar view
IsCategorized Boolean(Read-only) True if the view is categorized
IsConflict Boolean(Read-only) True if the view is enabled for conflict checking
IsDefaultViewBoolean(Read-write) True if this is the default view
IsFolderBoolean(Read-only) True if this is a folder
IsHierarchical Boolean(Read-only) True if the view is hierarchical
IsModified Boolean(Read-only) True if the view is modified
IsProhibitDesignRefreshBooleanTrue if a design refresh or replace cannot overwrite the view
LastModifiedDate/Time(Read-only) Date and time the view was last modified
NameString(Read-write) First name listed of the view including cascades
NotesURL String(Read-only) The Notes URL of a view.
ParentNotesDatabase(Read-only) Database containing this view
ProtectReadersBoolean(Read-write) True if the $Readers field is protected from being overwritten during replication
ReadersArray of strings(Read-write) Contents of the $Readers field
Rowlines Integer(Read-only) The number of lines in each row of the view
SelectionFormulaString(Read-only)The selection formula of a view
Spacing Integer(Read-write) The spacing between rows of a view
TopLevelEntryCount Integer(Read-only) The number of top-level entries in a view
UniversalIDString(Read-only) Universal ID of the view
ViewInheritedNameString(Read-only) Name of the view whose design a view inherits

See Also