Selecting text
You can select text with key combinations and the mouse.

Table of key combinations

Key combinationSelects
CTRL+AAll text in the Script area.
SHIFT+CTRL+LEFT ARROWThe previous word or selects the first part of the word if the insertion point is in the word.
SHIFT+CTRL+RIGHT ARROWThe next word or selects the remainder of the word if the insertion point is in the word.
SHIFT+DOWN ARROWThe text starting at the right of the insertion point and ending at the character below and to the left of the insertion point.
SHIFT+ENDThe text starting with the character at the insertion point and ending with the last character on the line.
SHIFT+HOMEThe text starting with the character to the left of the insertion point and ending with the first character on the line.
SHIFT+LEFT ARROWThe character to the left of the insertion point.
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROWThe character to the right of the insertion point.
SHIFT+UP ARROWThe text starting at the left of the insertion point and ending at the character above and to the right of the insertion point.
Note If bi-directional language support is enabled, the keyboard shortcut LEFT CTRL + LEFT SHIFT changes the horizontal progression to right-to-left, and the keyboard shortcut RIGHT CTRL + RIGHT SHIFT changes the horizontal progression to left-to-right.

Table of mouse operations

Mouse operationSelects
Double-click (on the word)The entire word and the following space.
DragThe text from the starting position of the mouse to the ending position.
Right-clickThe Edit menu.
SHIFT+Click (left mouse click)The text from the insertion point to the position of the mouse.

See Also