What to do when Notes crashes

Jake Howlett, 26 April 2001

Category: Miscellaneous; Keywords: process error close

How many times has Notes crashed and you've had to restart your PC before you can start it again?? Lots of times I should imagine... the reason being that when nlnotes.exe (the client) goes it often leaves behind other processes that need to be killed before you can restart Notes.

If you are PC literate enough and using NT you know that you can launch Task Manager and end each process individually if you know their names. There is an easier way of doing this. There are a couple of Freeware programs available for download that will do this for you.

The first download is the least well known of the two. The reason I'm listing it first is that it's a lot better. By a company called Cassetica the software is "NotesMedic" and you can download it here *. When Notes crashes all you need to do is launch the program and it ends all the offending processes and then gives you the option to start any of the installed copies of Notes on your machine.

* Warning: When filling out Cassetica's registration form do not give them your real email address. I am spammed daily at the unique address I supplied them. Instead use something like me@privacy.net


The second download is called ZapNotes and can be downloaded from the Notes.net SandBox. The thing with ZapNotes is that it is a lot slower. It is also not that well designed in that you have to start it and then tell it to stop the processes using the "Start" button. NotesMedic is a lot brighter in that it assumes you are starting it because you need to use it.


So, there you go. No more f-ing and and blinding, NotesMedic to the rescue.....