Form Validator

This form uses some basic OO-style JavaScript to validate a field has a value before it can be submitted.

First Name *
Last Name

Here's the code for the Validator Obejct:

        var Validator = {
                version: '1.0.0',
                init: function(frm){this.form=document.forms[frm]},
                validate: function(fld){
                        	"Form Validator Version "+this.version+"\n\n"+
                        	"The field called \"" + fld + "\" " + ( (this.form[fld].value=="")?"failed":"passed" )
                        	+ " validation"
                        return this.form[fld].value!="";

When the page loads we call the Validator's init() method, which gets a handle on the form we are working with.

When the form is submitted we ask the Validator to check a field for a value. If it's blank the form doesn't submit. Simple.