
Fri 14 Dec 2001's Blog

The guys at Disgo have just mailed me a 64MB password-protected version, gratis, for me to "review". The least I can do is add another link. Review to follow..

Thanks to all of you that responded to Wednesday's post about the lack of work on JobServe at the moment. There are indeed more jobs listed if you are willing to take a permanent postition. This is not as easy as it sounds. Employers just don't want contractors who apply for permy jobs as soon as the bad times hit home. Accepting a permanent role would have to be my absolute last option.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 14 Dec 2001

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

Your host is Jake Howlett who runs his own web development company called Rockall Design and is always on the lookout for new and interesting work to do.

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