Mon 11 Feb 2002's Blog
This weekend (yet) another friend asked me to get them online for "free". One of the cheapest offerings is BT's OpenWorld. Despite having heard nothing but horror stories about it, I decided he could a be a guinea-pig and see how bad it really was.
Setup and registration was pretty straight-forward. The connection was absolutely awful though. Taking an average of 5 to 6 attempts to dialup and then an average of about 10 minutes before being disconnected. I know it was the weekend but that not really an excuse is it.
The next day I rang them to cancel. There was no attempt to persuade me otherwise or enquiry as to why I was cancelling. All this after their steps toward a shake-up to help them rid theirselves of billions in debt...
Meanwhile, said friend is now connected to Demon, the ISP I've used and trusted for about 4 years now. An extra GBP£5 per month and well worth it.
And the winner is..... Last Monday I asked you all to guess how many Spams my Hotmail account would receive in a week. The answer being 210. Nicely averaging 30 SPD. Closest to this was "Craft, Samuel G CECOM LRC HQ WEB Multimax" AKA Sam Craft with 216. Furthest out was Wayne Mercure with 475. Poor him if that's how many he gets....