
Another Strange Conversation

Today's strange conversation:

PC Magazine have had an advert for the past two months for Bose's MediaMate PC speakers. Needing a pair of speakers I thought I'd find out more about them. The full-page advert has no web address (Dear Mr Bose, bose.co.uk really needs looking at!!) and there was just a phone number which I called:

Me: Hi, I'm calling about some of your speakers I saw in a magazine.
Her: [Sounding confused] Okay, is it professional or domestic?
Me: Sorry?
Her: Is it professional or domestic?
Me: Errr, domestic.
Her: Okay.
Me: Right well, it's the MediaMate speakers in this month's PC Magazine.
Her: I don't really know what adverts are in the magazines at the moment.
Me: Right...
Her: Let me see if Customer Services are available....
Her: No, she's in a meeting. Can I take your number and get her to call you.
Me: [tell her my number]
Her: Okay, and it's about the MediaAce speakers in Maxim magazine.
Me: No, it's about.....

I am yet to recieve that call. Instead I went on the Bose.com site and on the MediaMate page I chose Products/Pricing and then selected United Kingdom, only to be told that it was 6:35AM and the American offices are closed.

Is is me or is the everybody else is in the world going mad??

Cassetica..If you received an email today from "Mister Andrey" offering "LOLITA DREAMS" it's from Cassetica again. Don't worry I shall forward it to them for their records. Call me anal but I'm not going to let them forget this.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 2 Jul 2002

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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