
Tour Guide of London

Although there's still a lot to be done before I'm 100% happy with the new design it was still nice to get away from the keyboard for a whole weekend. First I went home for a friend's wedding and then an old school friend visited with her daughter who had never been to London. Now, if you live in London it's not really the done-thing to go sight-seeing so I quite like getting to put my tourguide's hat on and visiting the parts of the city I wouldn't normally go to.

I also got a cheap man's version of The Eye when we payed £1.50 each to climb the 311 steps of the Monument where I can see things I see every day and things I don't. Of course we had to get a shot to prove to Quinn's class mates that she did go to where the Great Fire started, the subject of her latest school project.

A few of you have asked about the bonfire pictures. Well, the date was the Golden Jubilee this year and the event was a garden party at my aunt's garden centre. Being the crazy guy he is my dad decided to add his own unofficial beacon to the global chain. Apparently there are 400 railway sleepers in his contruction.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 5 Aug 2002

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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