
The Horror Bull lives

What's that you ask? How's my PHP coming on? So far I'm enjoying learning it. Feels strange being able to do whatever I like ;o) Just a shame that there don't seem to be a whole heep of jobs going round. My impression is that it's more of a hobbyist's tool than anything. Hence it's as cheap as chips to find somewhere to live. At least I will come away from this with an understanding of how to use "real" databases on the web...

A blog for gadget-freaks? Great idea!


    • avatar
    • Jan-Piet Mens
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 08:47

    You may enjoy using DECS to integrate your MySQL with Domino. The best of two worlds ?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 08:49

    "Enjoy"! DECS? Ha ha.

    • avatar
    • Jan-Piet Mens
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 09:00

    oh, and BTW: 51 jobs at last count. http://www.hotjobs.com/cgi-bin/job-search?KEYWORDS=php

    • avatar
    • Jan-Piet Mens
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 09:03

    as to DECS, well I'd thought so. I'm a Un*x person myself, and the last time I tried DECS it sucked. As with many things in Notes/Domino: idea is good, implementation is well, ...

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 10:07

    Mr H, please don't get too into your PHP. Some of us are Domino convicts. Don't abandon us! (Although I'm sure the grass really IS greener in the PHP field)

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 10:48

    Sorry to spam your comments facility, but I thought I'd share my thought regarding the great new design of codestore. If the static background logo was on the right (instead of the left) it prevents it looking like a frameset with two 'columns'. Not a criticism at all, I just like to show off the fact that my work can do what some fools use frames to achieve without actually using the dreaded frames! http://www.double6.co.uk is an example of using two frames to have a static left frame, but to make it look like no frameset by using a full window height scroll bar. I don't like frames. Your static background logo creates the same VISUAL effect (no navigation of course) without frames. Putting it on the right makes it more obvious, and increases the 'how does they DO that' factor I like. (Sorry Des Lynam)

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 10:50

    Sorry again. Please ignore the URL I entered above, they've resigned the site since I last looked. I can't apologise enough.

  1. How about adding a random quote from the 'Facticious Facts of the Day' in the same format? I always thought they should be diplayed in this format...


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 10:53

    That document "was last updated on 30th October 1998". Back when the static-web was all that peole knew.

    Unless that date is factitious too...

  2. EH? Surely the reason so many of us dislike frames is due to the way they work, difficulties coding genuinely useful ones, and so on.

    So what if it _looks_ like a site uses frames, but doesn't??

    • avatar
    • The J
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 11:37

    i'm with Ben Poole! - Frames were a nice idea, and can really be usefull in some circumstances. Back in the earlies that is! but now we have dhtml - so no worries if it looks similar!

    I am a corporate domino wh0re, so all work I do which is work-work is done in domino. But for personal I use Asp/php. they're just so much better then notes! - notes is good for the people who are too scared and need to be held when they're doing things, but for those that don't doin everything raw and by hand is the only way...

    ...hope that makes sense!

    • avatar
    • ant
    • Tue 20 Aug 2002 12:12

    php killer apps :

    phpnuke - free portal app

    oscommerce - free eshop app

    nucleus - free blog app

    Plus many others listed at sourceforge.net

    I luv it. Free, open source, database driven.

    But where is the php security model ? The programming model ? For real business apps u need stuff like this. I think ?

  3. Ok well perhaps phpnuke *is* a killer app. That is - allowing random people on the internet to "kill" your server and take it over. In general while I really like how wide spread mod_php support is I'd really like the php developers to grow up and quit it with the 'namespace by underscore' concept. I cannot begin to tell you how it galls me to have to look at something like:





    So that's really:




    AAAAAAA! It's like the people who did PHP took some of the worst bits from perl and C, mangled them some and *then* turned out PHP. Yucky ick. Now PHP *does* offer objects but they are deprecated and they aren't really all that powerful anyway. I suppose PHP is fine if you *really* like being stuck in the ASP world where you embed your code into your HTML but damn it - can't the tool of choice be at least a little more sane (I consider HTML::Template and things like that *sane*)?

    You know what else? Of all the features I'm missing from PostgreSQL in Domino I'm really beginning to miss transactions the most. It is *so* nice to know that execution blocks either compete successfully or not at all. It's all that enforced correctness niceness.

    n' stuff.

    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Wed 21 Aug 2002 05:10

    "So what if it _looks_ like a site uses frames, but doesn't??"

    Ben, Ben, Ben. J, J, J. So what??? Exactly. I am not disagreeing with you! Like I said, it wasn't a criticism. I only made the comment because during the blogathon, Mr H showed us one prototype of the new design that had the logo background on the RIGHT, and I was merely explaining why I preferred that alternative! Nothing AGAINST frames, I don't use them myself for compatibility and personal perference. I just reckon having static backround logos on the right that stay still when the user scrolls the page creates a really impressive effect, more so than when it is on the left.

    I didn't mean to open a can of worms.

    On the subject of PHP, I am only going to say that the various PHP powered forums and that out there LOOK and FEEL really smart. I know nothing of the development, but they're nice from a USER point of view. On the other side of the cion, I find JSP. JSP may be lovely, I don't know, but some JSP developers certainly ain't. There are some nightmare JSP sites around, such as uk.mytravel.com

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 20 Aug 2002

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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