
Paying dividends

WiFi broadband started paying dividends last night. Having told flatmates that McVities called their Jaffa Cakes™ cakes so that they could avoid the higher tax of being biscuits, they looked at me like I was crazed. Reaching for the laptop I quickly did a Google and there it was in black and white. That silenced them ;o)

Talking of boring your mates. My favourite motorway game for long journeys is called the File Name Game. In it you look for cars whose registrations end in a three letter combination (all UK plates have a 3 digit sequence in them e.g. T638 WUT or LX02 THY) the same as the three letter combination of a file type (eg. DOC, JPG). When you see one you tell everyone in the car. Most fun is had when you're forced to play alone because nobody else has a clue what you're talking about. Anyway, here's a list of them all. I can only remember seeing NSF once or twice

Damn, I really am a nerd!


  1. Heh, I thought I was the only person to play that particular number plate game.

    Interestingly, I used to get rental cars for business use, and one of them ended NSF. I was pretty upset when the rental company took it away. But, amazingly, the next car I got was HTM.

    • avatar
    • Chris Melikian
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 09:42

    How about a group vigil for Jake's soul? I'm free on Thursday.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 09:45

    Must be something about people born in Mansfield Scott.

  2. We get NSF all the time - it was an Edinburgh code. Do you think in a couple of years they'll change them to DB2 at the end?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 10:30

    Aha. Another annoying game of mine. Telling your mates where a car is from based on the last two letters of the three (i.e *SF = Endinburgh).

    Have collected quite a few in my time living in various places and pattern-spotting.

    Brighton: *PB, Manchester: *DX, Nottingham: *UT, Derby: *NN etc etc. Oh, how could I forget, all the BJs in Ipswish ;o)

    • avatar
    • Gorma
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 10:31

    Good old Jaffa Cakes, shame programming languages don't stay the same for so long, they'd be so much easier to learn! Albeit very boring ;-)

    • avatar
    • Ben
    • Tue 24 Sep 2002 17:42

    It's much worse and much, much sadder when people deliberately have IT related number plates. I've seen 'DOTCOM', 'WWW', 'DOTEXE', and worst of all, '1337'. Hopefully not everyone will understand that last one!

    • avatar
    • prawnFresh
    • Wed 25 Sep 2002 04:51

    mumbles 'i wish i had 1337'

    Jake - hows about sticking a no. of comments, and date comment was last posted on the sites main page. so I could see exactly when a new post was created.

    it be handy me thinks!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 25 Sep 2002 04:57

    My last car was "J555 AKE" ;o)

    No. of comments. When it's in PHP I will. In the mean time it's all "special" text and I'm damned if I can work what's so special about it. Just means you can't do anything with it...

  3. You can do more with "special text" on the web than you can in the Notes client. My site's techie articles page details how many comments there are against an article, simply by referring to @DocResponses...

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 25 Sep 2002 06:47

    I think it's the amount of PassThru HTML and Views treated as HTML on this site that causes the problems. Keep meaning to get to the bottom of it but I figure my time is better spent getting to grips with PHP... sorry guys.

    • avatar
    • Clarkey
    • Wed 25 Sep 2002 14:18

    Jake, I saw this website and thought of you.


    • avatar
    • mark p
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 09:56 PM

    my mum's rover's plate ends in "TXT"

    that's gotta be a top scorer - readable on any ascii compatible road system :-)

    (whereas mine is NOH, scoring precisely nothing :(.. mebbe i'll have to make up my own program and file format for it.. maybe arkanoid 3!)

    good to see that good old Whatis.exe (or whatis.prg!) survives!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 24 Sep 2002

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