
Ten Legal Years Of Drinking

Thanks to all who left birthday wishes over the past few days. It was a nice weekend (despite the fact our building suffered a gas leak and the supply has been cut off meaning there's been no washing, cooking or heating since). For the first time I can remember, I can remember my birthday. What I mean is, I didn't get stupidly drunk. On the 10th anniversary of the day I legally began drinking I decided to take a much needed change in lifestyle. Both ends of the candle have finally met in the middle. Tonight I take my first trip to the gym. Not on some new-year half-baked promise to myself. I don't work like that. If I'm going to do something I will do it properly. Welcome to the Jake Howlett R2 ;o)

Anyway, enough about me. Here's the first of the Notes GUI enhancements I talked about last Friday, courtesy of Ian Bradbury:

Ian Bradbury's Notes Enhancement

Whilst I'm sure there's probably some reason Lotus wouldn't consider such a move, I think it's a good idea.

Looks like other people are having fun with graphics apps, imagination and a little wishful thinking.

Update:Been to gym. Am in pain but did enjoy it. Will keep you posted of Jake's Progress.

Gas man came and went without fixing a thing. Marcus (flatmate who had stayed home) rang landlord who said they can't do anything until next week. Marcus offered that we would all be moving in to a hotel until such time, at his expense. Suddenly he could get a plumber in tomorrow. Did he really expect us not to wash ourselves, cook any food or heat the flat in winter, for a whole week!? Some people...


    • avatar
    • Poindexter
    • Tue 14 Jan 2003 11:53

    Good on you Jake!

    May I suggest you set aside your Apple garb, and set your sights on a real hard/software combo: a state of the art Polar heart monitor with accompanying PC software. Strap it on, climb some hills, (swim, whatever) and once home, upload the graph of heart rate, altitude, etc. over time. Then go back 20 years from now, do it again and see how much you've improved on your youth.



    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Tue 14 Jan 2003 13:56


    to compete against other products in the market you should really be marketing yourself as Jake 11 (or maybe Jake 2003). Jake R28 sounds a bit too much though.

    I once worked with a guy called Bryce who was pleased to hear that he was at version 4 (http://newgraphics.corel.com/products/bryce4.html)


  1. Well, the wishful thinking is based on a dream I had recently. As it is not a Notes screenshot I did not post it here but indeed I have been inspired by codestore.

    I had been afraid of copyright infringement I could cause when pusblishing the link on another site. Fortunately Volker was kind enough to spread the word.

    Jake 11, not that bad as I read an article recently that good software takes 10 years to become to become a good product. Although that might mean that you already have reached the zenith. Jake 2003 is nice but you are forced to do release an upgrade each year. I think Jake X is cool.



    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Wed 15 Jan 2003 07:23


    in respect to your comment *forced to release an upgrade each year* - not necessarily. Microsoft have been getting away with not doing this for years (well, since Win95 anyway)


    • avatar
    • Tone
    • Thu 16 Jan 2003 16:44

    In our office, Jake X was misheard/understood as J. Kecks, which is something to do with underpants apparantly. Ill advised.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 14 Jan 2003

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