
How much music goes on an iPod

How much music can you fit on a 10GB iPod? Well, this much, at High Quality (192 kbps):

Albums on iPod

In total there are 1707 songs, totalling 5.4 days of music. Should keep me entertained for a while. Although I'm starting to wish I'd gone for the 20GB model as the CDs you can see above only total about half my collection!

As with-the-times as ever, Lotus have started a blog. This could be very interesting, but the cynic in me reads "corporate-blogging" and can't help hearing "brochure-blogging". Prove me wrong Mr Brill.


  1. Jake, How come I don't see any Dave Matthews or Led Zeppelin in that collection of CD's?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 08:34

    Dave who?

  2. Theres a fair bit of Jean Michel Jarre in your collection. His music is some of my favourite when developing.

    • avatar
    • Jon
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 08:44

    Jake how long did it take you to transfer the cds to the ipod? Does it recognise all the cd and track names????

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 08:48

    Now were talking Neil! Don't meet many people who admit to it. I was hoping people wouldn't notice. Me liking JMJ has been the source of my friends' amusement for years. Don't listen to him as much as I used to back in the day. Even went to some of his concerts. Now you can't deny the man can put on a show!

    Jon - about 15 minutes per CD. iTunes gets the tracknames online from CDDB.

    • avatar
    • Lynnoire
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 09:32

    and the very best of Supertramp ?? Time to put some more music on your wishlist me thinks...

    (is it also a case of we(all)blog together ???)

  3. Jake, haven't you just posted proof of your Copyright fraud on the internet?

    Maybe a picture of blank cd cases would be better ;-)

  4. www.dmband.com

    • avatar
    • Hippo
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 11:18

    Jake, I didn't see a copy of "The Streets". I heard the streets for the first time a few weeks ago and couldn't stop laughing. Is he big in the UK? As an American it threw me when I heard a British accent rapping. Asolutely hilarious. Groove Armada, Kruder & Dorfmeister, Paul Van Dyk are all solid artists to listen to while programming.

  5. Hell, did my eyesight finally leave me? Or did I miss out the hi-res version of that picture?

    How can you all even recognize a single album title? Must be my fault, I tend to not be able to identify anything at all on those stinky miniature CD covers anyway.

    However, anybody laughing at you because of JMJ's music should definitely NOT be your friend.

    Nor mine. ;-)

    • avatar
    • Stan Rogers
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 14:45

    "Oxygène" (the original), at least, is a cheap alternative to the hallucinogenic drugs that genii of past ages had to use to "think outside the box". I mentioned that in one of the very first threads over at OpenNTF.org, and I'll stand by it to my dying day.

    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 16:55

    Jake, I am disappointed that Mr. Brill (a great candidate for a made-up name if ever I heard one) is not using the DomBlog template. He comments on collaboration blah blah but I bet he has a less than smooth mechanism for entering the daily blogs. It also does not look as if much thought has been put into archive navigation (something we all think about a lot), which leads me to think that Mr. Brill's weblog may indeed prove to be a short-lived phenomenon. or maybe I am just a cynic?

    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 16:57

    I forgot to mention - Definitely Maybe is my pick of your CD collection. An all-time classic !

  6. Also maybe of interest to some, William Gibson is now blogging as well at:


  7. Tom Quinn (& Jake)

    1) A made-up name? Are you new to the Lotus community? I've been around for ten years. I am pretty sure "Brill" was handed out at Ellis Island based on whatever the original Romanian was, but it's the name on my birth cert and passport.

    2) The DomBlog template doesn't fit IBM's site design. We did discuss using it (or, uh, the other one) but couldn't make it work. The updates are done in a Notes database which is great for me since I travel so much.

    3) I assure you this won't be a short-lived phenomenon. We might rotate "bloggers" (it's not <i>all</i> about me, despite what everyone thinks is a big ol' ego trip), but the idea of an informal way to share thoughts is something we plan to stick to.

    And yes, I've written tomorrow's entry already.... even before I saw these comments. You'll see what I mean tomorrow.

    • avatar
    • Hippo
    • Tue 21 Jan 2003 21:54


    Perhaps Tom is referring to your personal site ({Link} which certainly isnt running on domino let alone using the domblog template. Whats the scoop on Project Seoul/the future of domino developers?

    • avatar
    • Tom Quinn
    • Wed 22 Jan 2003 05:52


    1) The comment regarding your surname was tongue in cheek - apologies if you took it seriously - I am certainly aware of who you are

    2) Pity about that. My issue with Lotus/IBM is that they have never really developed sites that show off how good Domino can be - there are plenty of other sites that do this, but I wish the vendor would showcase their product a bit better

    3) Glad to hear it. I know you qualified the content of the Lotus blog as being "Strictly Business" in your other blog site, so I am looking forward to see whether it does become more than just "brochure-blogging", as Jake describes it.

    Finally, it is good to get responses from the horse's mouth, so to speak. It's a pity I am not at LotusSphere because then we could maybe discuss over a beer...

    • avatar
    • prawnFresh
    • Thu 23 Jan 2003 05:30

    I think I can make out a hives album... and a radiohead album..

    ..and I did think you had a pantera album there... but instantly dismissed that notion!

  8. Glad I'm not the only one who can't read those CD cases ;-) ... Oxygene was one of the first LPs I bought, and I remember having to go to three or four record stores before I could find a copy. Was getting airplay on a New York radio station, probably WNEW, and I just had to have it. Amazing stuff he was doing back then, without the aid of digital signal processing.

    • avatar
    • Tim
    • Thu 13 Mar 2003 05:06

    Jarre - the only song I know is the one that they play on the 'teddy-grabber' machines in arcades.

    Personally, Im glad that he is moving over 300 miles away - now at least we will get some peace from his re-creations of the 'laser-harp' with a torch and a pair of oven gloves!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 13 Mar 2003 06:02

    Yeah, cheers Tim. You know you love it.

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