
UK Domestic Flights

To follow on from Friday's post; domestic flights are the way forward. Not, as I had expected, the reserve of the businessman, but the choice of the masses. Turns out the plane was a Boeing 757 without a seat to spare.

As if to prove my point about the rail network, the Tube has started to fall apart. The result being that my route to work has been completely closed. The longest and busiest of London Underground's lines with no service! Like pulling the pin on a metaphorical hand-grenade of commuter-rage. Something I can do without and hence why I am at home today and will be until they return partial service (tomorrow?) or I dare to brave an alternate route.

Now would be a good time to be in Florida ;o) Oh well, this time next month I get to spend two weeks of tranquility in Sri Lanka...


    • avatar
    • John
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 10:19

    come on Jake ! what we all want to know about Friday was - was she suitably impressed ? did the flash-git ploy pay off ? lol

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 10:25

    How could she not be impressed ;o)

    Only problem being I need to keep up the pretence...

    • avatar
    • Hippo
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 12:07

    Jake, We have faith that you will be able to keep up the pretence. Try to refrain from using terms like "penny-pinching scumbag contractor" to describe yourself. Go with something like "World Class Software Engineer".

    • avatar
    • Esther
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 12:56

    How 'bout a translation for those of us on the other side of the pond? What, exactly, is a "flash git"? I'm assuming it's something to aspire to, but it sounds like an infectious disease!

    • avatar
    • Scott
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 15:21

    I don't know about "flash" unless it's short for "flashy", but for "git" I understand it to mean something along the lines of "jerk", but without such a harsh connotation. I think it's a cutdown-in-jest. For example, if you're jealous that your good friend just won a contest that you wanted to win, you might sarcastically refer to him as a "lucky git".

    Whatcha think, Jake? Close?


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 16:20

    That's right Scott, you clever sod ;o)

    • avatar
    • Hippo
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 16:28

    In that same thought, what does sod mean? In the U.S. it is turf. Also what is a geeza/geezer? In the U.S. that would be slang for an old person.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 27 Jan 2003 17:27

    You Americans! {Link}

  1. Geezer is a word that has come to have several meanings. These meanings can generally be divulged by examining commonly prepended adjectives.

    "diamond" geezer: Legend-in-his-own-time, all round top fellow. This can also be conjured by emphasis on the "ee" (geeeeeeeezer)

    "dodgy" geezer: Commonly refers to Cockneys and similar questionable types. The kind of man who'd take part in highly dubious business practices.

    "old" geezer: Generic term for old people, particularly those of questionable hygiene. Often pre-prepended with "dirty" to remove all doubt as to the intent of the phrase.

    • avatar
    • Francisca
    • Mon 21 Jul 2003 05:12

    Hi, I■m trying to find the meaning of flash-git, and I can't find it in a dictionary. I went to google, and I just pop up in this site. If sb could tell me what it means that would be great. I understand both words separate, but together I don't see any logical meaning. Sorry for intruding in your forum. bye

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 21 Jul 2003 05:18

    Francisca. A flash-git is someone who might also be called a show-off. Somebody who has all the best of everything and likes to let everybody know. Imagine a man driving down a road in a Ferarri who stops in front of a group of people, gets out and starts talking on his state-of-the-art phone while looking at the time on his spangly Rolex watch. You get the idea...

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 27 Jan 2003

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