
Last Day With Mike

So, today's my last day at work. Being a contractor it won't be a shock as I am the first to welcome change. However, I will be sad to no longer be working with Mike "Notestips" Golding. Not only because I get on with him but also because it's nice to work with somebody of his calibre. When I joined Mike just over a year ago I remember saying to him that I had only ever met one developer that I could recommend with 100% trust (and, no, I don't mean me!). I'd better up it to two now I guess.

This time last year I could almost safely say mine was the only Domino blog/tips site out there. However, not long after joining, Mike launched Notestips.com and that's when Steve Castledine remarked:

...if its half as good as Jakes Codestore i shall be visiting v frequently!!

Not only is it half as good, I think it's better in many ways. Luckily for me it remains sufficiently different to warrant the continued existence of both our sites.

I've enjoyed my year here and had exposure to numerous technologies I would probably have missed out on otherwise. The best part being that there was never a problem with me passing on what I learn to you guys. SVG and HTML mails to name just two of them. You have Mike to thank as it was his word that got me this position in the first place and that is why I would like to say a public thank you to him. Thanks Mike. Hopefully our paths will meet again at some point.

Anybody got a job for me...


    • avatar
    • Mike Golding
    • Fri 28 Mar 2003 08:49

    I'd like to thank my publicist, my agent, my family but most of all I'd like to thank you the public.

    • avatar
    • Pat Read
    • Fri 28 Mar 2003 10:10

    Best wishes an all that, Jake! Hope you drink your body weight from all the booze Mike will be buying you tonight!!

    Good luck up in the N.E.


  1. Good luck - you're an enjoyable read and a big help to people around the world. Am sending you "Four Tet" off your Amazon Wishlist.


    • avatar
    • Arka
    • Mon 31 Mar 2003 07:02

    Are you still going back "up North"? Does that mean work in the South East is out of the question?

    By the way, who was the other developer that you could recommend with 100% trust?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 31 Mar 2003 07:33

    I'll work anywhere if the pay and conditions are okay. The North East just makes sense at the moment and the North is where I feel at home.

    As for the other developer, if I named him, you wouldn't know him, so I'll leave it at that. The trouble with naming him is that I risk offending all the people I've worked with in the past who thing it might be them ;o)

    • avatar
    • Dan
    • Mon 31 Mar 2003 13:10


    I'm sure with your skills it won't be long at all before you get a new contract.

    I know this is one of the blogs that Ed Brill visits. Perhaps IBM could benefit from Jake's Domino/Web expertise.

    Are you reading this, Ed? :-)


    • avatar
    • Giles
    • Tue 4 Feb 2003 02:02

    Well I hope you got a good send off. Good luck with work up North.

  2. Jake, I feel with you as i have been out of work from last Des. Keep up the good work , are you willing to work in FL. USA ? ( Not that there is lots of jobs here right now)


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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 28 Mar 2003

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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