

It strikes me that the whole blogging "arena" is full of fads. When I first played with RSS, a little over a year ago, I thought it was great. Not long after and I decided it was useless and removed this site's feeds. Having never properly used it I guess I was simply misled. Now that I almost rely upon RSS for my daily readings I am convinced of its usefulness. I've always convinced myself it takes the personal touch out of visiting a persons actual site. However, when the number of personal site you read begins to grow, you appreciate the benefits of being able to consolidate them all. This is made possible with news aggregator programs.


Part of this awakening is due to my using NetNewsWire on Cromarty so much recently. It's a great application and makes keeping up to date with your favourite websites and news stories sooo easy. Not only that but it offers the ability to blog directly from the application itself using its Weblog Editor. That is as long as you use a suitable system, such as Blogger or MovableType (a move to which I plan for my other site).

You can also extend its features using its Scripts menu. Reading the weblog of its creator I came across a nice script that will auto-subscribe you to the site in the foremost Safari window. Nice. It relies on the site's creator having specified where the RSS alternative to their content resides using the following header.

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="rss.xml" />

I've done so for the JakeHowlett.com feed and will do for codestore, just as soon as get round to re-instating the RSS feeds I foolishly removed. I'll let you know when...

RSS rules, okay!

PS: A little tip for NetNewsWire readers: You can navigate all three panes and even visit the news item website using nothing but the arrow keys.


  1. Oh sure, after I went and created a ?ReadViewEntries scraper just so I could include your site in my Domino based aggregeator (www.revelleweb.com) you put your RSS feed back!!

    ;) Just kidding, love the site!! Less Apple talk, more Domino talk (please).

  2. Niel: " Less Apple talk, more Domino talk (please)."

    Couldn't agree more



    • avatar
    • Colin Williams
    • Wed 23 Apr 2003 15:00

    Good news! looking forward to seeing it re-appear on Codestore!

  3. Loving the Apple talk! Who knows you could even change the name in the future to "fruitStore" ;-)

    I'm too much of a tight@r$e to buy my own Apple so I'm living vicariously through you.


    • avatar
    • Mat
    • Wed 23 Apr 2003 16:45

    Yeah I agree - I dont mind the Apple talk at all. Its nice when someone else discovers something that I havent with my Mac yet :)

    Next youll have people asking for less blogging and more articles! Sheesh ;)

    • avatar
    • Rajiv Menon
    • Wed 23 Apr 2003 22:53

    What a coincidence that this came up when zeldman is talking abt pros and cons of rss feeds. I particularly agree with his remark that RSS feeds may subtly discourage that impulse to seek, see, bookmark, and return and that they are suited for sites where layout is primarily a delivery system for writing. read more here {Link} Btw.. i found "Amphetadesk" {Link} as a good news aggregator for poor PC users like me ;-)

    • avatar
    • vowe
    • Thu 24 Apr 2003 04:18

    I added a new RSS feed recently for comments on my site {Link}

    I think that is even more appopriate than the RSS feed for new posts because they are hard to follow for contributors.

    @Jake: You can group those feeds in NetNewsWire

    @Rajiv: There are even nicer ones for Windows. A conprehensive list is here: {Link}

    • avatar
    • vowe
    • Thu 24 Apr 2003 04:19

    @Jake: I dare you to drop the fruitStore. I like the apple stuff.

    • avatar
    • Chris
    • Fri 5 Dec 2003 13:29

    The relative link in your RSS header is messing with my NewsCrawler's auto-discovery feature. I think it needs the server and everything.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 13 May 2003 08:16

    Cheers Chris. It's on my list fo things to do. Should have tested it in more than just NetNewsWire... d'oh!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 23 Apr 2003

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