
My Jaunt Around The Country

Finally I am home and I have my wireless ADSL connection back up and running. Must remember never to take things like this for granted.

I say finally because in the last two weeks I must have covered the length of the country about three times in some crazy attempt to keep as many people happy as possible (apart from the girlfriend that is). Anyway, I share my route with you:

Road Trip

And I share some photos. First the weekend in Dorset for a friend's 30th birthday. Great weather, great scenery and a great laugh.

Then a day in Bristol. My first chance to marvel at the engineering of one Isambard Kingdom Brunel and to play Jackass on the Shiny Black Rock (steeper than it looks!).

Last stop was for Floss's Stag weekend on the Isle of Wight. I don't know about in other countries but in England we make a point of humiliating the groom to the point of actually pitying them. If you think he looks daft in that photo you didn't see him at the end of the night! See if you can spot me in disguise as a pirate as well ;o)

The weekend taught me one thing. If you're going to sail in the morning, don't drink 12 pints the night before. Boy was I sick...

Memory Montage


  1. So, how was Mansfield? :) Much change?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 15 May 2003 13:58

    Scott. Funny you should ask. Mansfield does change. Everytime I visit there seems to be a new something or other and something being knocked down. I actually went for a cafe latte in a coffee shop last week. And there's even an Italian bistro!

    One thing that never changes is the people. You can always rely on Mansfield folk....

  2. ...or not. Mansfield folk are the salt of the Earth, or something.

    "Alreet mukka?"

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 16 May 2003 06:26

    Scott, after so long in London you start to appreciate people being the salt of the earth.

    Either way, I prefer "Ayup Duck" as a greeting ;o) Especially in chip shops. "Want them wrapped duck?". I always want to tell them I'm not a duck!

  3. Jake, Thanks so much for posting the pics! I love it when folks in other parts of the world post pictures (guess I've been a bit lax there). My wife and were LOL looking at the pics of the stag weekend. Priceless!

    • avatar
    • Alexander Schuth
    • Wed 21 May 2003 09:48

    What's that Duck-biznes? Is that like "luv", and why would a grown man have wanted to call me "luv" when all I wanted was him to give me a bleedin' bitter!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 15 May 2003

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