
It's a strange old place, the web

In a mail yesterday from Thierry Ceretto, France, he finished off by saying something that I really liked. Made my day in fact.

P.S. : Sometimes, I "walk" in your site, which I find pleasant. I liked the visit of Britannia...

It's good to think of people merely coming for a wander rather than a quick flying-visit every few days to see if I've managed to blog about anything vaguely useful. Anyway, this gives me a good excuse to share this funny little (totally useless, if you prefer to stop reading here) story of how the web can be a funny old place.

About a month ago I got a mail from a the technical editor of a Slovenian sailing magazine called Val Navtika. He wanted permission to use some of the photos from my trip to Edinburgh in a piece about the Royal Yacht Britannia. At first I was a little worried as I had taken photos inside, which is prohibited. However, I replied and said he could but to note that her maj might not be best pleased with it. I also said it was on the condition that he gave me credits and sent me a copy. Thinking nothing more of it I was surprised when a copy got deliverd last week. Sure enough, there's an article about Britannia and there's my name. A new career beckons.


Among the photos of mine used were some of the captain's deck. They actually look quite good on the glossy pages. Needless to say I'll be showing it to all those who let me. You can just make me out if you look at the reflection of the shot of the Rolls Royce. Not sure why they used this as it's a terrible photo. Maybe they were being "arty".


The best part though was the fact that they included a shot of Quinn and her friend Robyn beneath the ship's bell. To have some fun I showed Quinn the magazine without telling her anything about it, just asking if the photos reminded her of the trip to Scotland. She looked about as bored as she did on the tour of the boat until it sunk in that the last photo she looked at starred herseld. Her face was a picture!


Hers wasn't the only look of surprise. All the visitors we've since had that I've shown it to have looked confused when I explain how exactly the shots ended up in a Slovenian yachting publication. "Ay? You've got a website that you post photos on? What's this website all about....?". Hmm, good question. Not quite sure myself anymore ;o)


  1. Hello Jake!

    A (Slovenian) star is born !

    Congratulations !

    Hey ! but, I saw my name, I'm a star too !

    Good news, Codestore is a Star site !


    • avatar
    • Lee
    • Wed 17 Sep 2003 13:18

    Wow! Next thing anyone knows, you'll be the royal photographer, or at least the diplomatic corps stringer. Onward, Ho!

    I dig on the LAMP info too! Very insightful; and I can't help but think certain projects are best suited for such Domino alternatives as you point out.

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Thu 18 Sep 2003 15:58

    That's hilarious. Besure to ring me up when MI5 comes by to have a chat - I want to listen in. :-)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 17 Sep 2003

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