
Caching of a different kind

Resisting the temptation to talk about conkers and wanting to uphold my promise to talk tech I will instead talk about caching. No, not Geocaching, but web caching. In particular, Domino caching.

Until a few days ago I had always assumed something about Domino - that every time you accessed a view, you accessed the view. What I mean is that I always assumed a view would never get cached client-side. Now, unless I am mistaken, my recent investigations in to this, as a part of writing this article, have proven me wrong. Using a Domino 6 server I noticed that the browser cached the view. Until I made a change that required a view refresh and then the client went off to fetch the new data.

Have I just been missing something here? Did Domino 5 cache views? Let me know what you guys know (and want to know) about Domino's caching and I'll spend some time investigating it this week.


    • avatar
    • Tom
    • Tue 30 Sep 2003 11:13

    Yeah, they do. I always add the date/time when calling a view to make sure that it doesn't cache.

    So, anyway- on to Conkers. That looks like fun! Wish I knew where one of those trees were around here.

    Also, pretty foolproof method of preventing the kids from harvesting them- LOL!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 30 Sep 2003 11:48

    Really? Well, that puts an end to that line of discussion then. Maybe I will talk about conkers tomorrow after all....

  1. Case in point - try to change the date that displays on a blog entry in the domblog template. I had edited the format of time/date conversion for time zones and noticed that older arcitles in the view do not refresh their date desipte editing and saving the documents and pulling them and reposting them with w.bloggar. I had to delete the documents and recreate them and then manually adjust the (now properly formatted) date to put it back in place.

    I never got so far as to figure out it was the view caching, though. Good work Jake!


    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Tue 30 Sep 2003 12:47


    I can fetch you up some conkers from the corner. You'll have to cover shipping on your own though. :-)

  2. Domino in fact has many caching stuff and we, developers, can control it :

    - in R5, via $CacheOptions and $CacheValid fields that allow some control over server side caching (plus client side as side effect)

    - in R6, with these fields plus @SetHTTPHedaers and server side rules for client side caching control)

    in R6, you really can tune an app very finely (for ex, cache the css, js files browser side etc...)

    As for server side cache, it's very important : for ex, a cached page on the server is served FASTER than a row html file on disk !

  3. I have to mention the World Conker championships which are held every year next to my home town in Ashton, Northamptonshire. A quality event. Get on yer bike down there Jake. I reckon it beats Hartlepool.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 30 Sep 2003

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