
Article on its way

CodeStore has a view called "Draft Articles". There are article in there so old, that, if there were to be a draft, there would be a hell of a lot of dust flying about. Sorry, couldn't resist that one.

The problem is that I have these great ideas and then, a few days later, no longer think they are so great. Well, it's gone half-way through February and I've yet to deliver the article I promised for this and every other month of the year. Don't worry though, I've got one in draft ;o)

In writing this blog and promising it by week's end I am giving myself the kick in the rear I need. It's hard at the moment as it's school holidays and I don't have the house (or much time) to myself.

The article is something I think a lot of you will like. Mark Barton told me about the amazing dTree script and how easy it was to use it with Domino. Sure enough, it seemed tailor made for Notes hierarchy views for response documents. You can see it in action at the bottom of this document. Should work in most browsers. It's fairly easy to implement, so the article shouldn't take long and will contain the sample database.


  1. Hey Jake,

    I like this - a lot, and can't wait for the article.

    I am however getting js errors in IE6.0.2. Works fine in Firefox though.

    One thing that I would say, the folder icons can be misleading to the average user. Normally, a folder contains something - in your example, the folder can be a document as well (ie. nested responses show a parent's icon as a folder; the folder is also a document response from the main thread.)

    Obviously something that can be remedied with a more intuitive image, but thought I should add my 2 cents in.



  2. I echo the errors on 6.0.2.

    I've also, recently read a very good article on dubugging javascript in your applications, now where was it.....?

    • avatar
    • Stu
    • Wed 18 Feb 2004 11:24

    Looks Good, Can you change the Icons????

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Wed 18 Feb 2004 17:41

    Fixed the JS errors. Believe it or not, they were nothing to do with the dTree script...

    Icons can be changed. I agree that folders aren't the most intuitive of icons. I'll describe how it's all customised in the article.

  3. Thank you for finding that excellent solution. No more stupid outlines on the web.

    Love it!

    • avatar
    • Ian
    • Thu 19 Feb 2004 10:28

    Yeah, this hierarchical tree thing looks pretty good.

    I've just spent a good hour trying to duplicate it in domino, but cant seem to find a way of generating the second parameter in the add function...

    Looking forward to your article!

    • avatar
    • Doug
    • Thu 19 Feb 2004 12:36

    Thanks Jake! It looks great! Can't wait to put this to good use.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 18 Feb 2004

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