
Things I don't like to talk about...

Should I feel guilty for asking for money from you guys? It's not like I charge a subscription is it. I just ask for charitable donations from time to time. It's worked in the past. Remember when we raised more than $US7000 for MSF? What's changed since then I wonder. Why when I asked again for your money this month did I only get two sponsors, totalling £25!?

Come on guys. Restore my faith and remind me why I spend so much of my time trying to help you all out! I'm not asking for blood, just a little from each of you and we get a lot. Here's the form to sponsor me from.

I know times are hard but they're never as hard as those of the needy.

Could it be due to errors with the above form? If you have any problems, please let me know and I'll get it sorted. Let me know also if you've sponsored me but your donation is not reflected in the total or your name doesn't appear in the list. There's less than a month to go till the bike ride. Let's see if we can't at least raise £1000 by the 20th June. Maybe I will go on strike until it reaches this mark...


  1. I hear ya - it's a slap in the face when you spend so much time giving this stuff away and when you ask for someone to donate (to charity no less) that you only get a handful of people.

    I've been out of the loop (due to the new job) for quite some time, but am now in a slightly better situation where I can pony up with $25 (which, I found is only 21 Sterling...) for a good cause and for someone who's really made me a better developer.


  2. Good luck! You've been a big help to me, so wanted to give a little back - especially for charity!

    • avatar
    • John
    • Thu 27 May 2004 10:03 AM

    I don't check this site very much these days (mainly because it's turned from a technical help site to more of a personal blog).

    The articles are very sparse these days and no-one's blaming you - I believe it's almost impossible to keep posting new and useful content without it totally consuming your life.

    When you raised that money beforehand you probably had a lot more traffic? I still use Domino but I think it's time for you to start moving more to a PHP/MySQL/Anything else site. You'll probably get more traffic....and maybe some more sponsors?

  3. Sorry, Jake. It wasn't deliberate. Things on this side of the pond are crazed of late, so my blog-reading time has focused more on politics than technology - I must have missed the original post...

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 27 May 2004 11:33 AM

    Thanks guys. Now we're on £250. That's more like it! £1000 is *nothing* when it's a team effort...

    It is a slap in the face Chris. You're right. It does take a huge effort to keep this site going. But then I don't do it for the financial reward. I don't really expect anything at all in return. It's just always a little disheartening to see such a poor response when I do ask for something. Maybe I should stop asking for anything at all. That way I will avoid being disappointed.

    John. I disagree. You may well have moved on from Domino (lucky you) but don't assume everybody else has. Having access to full site stats I can tell you there's not a whole lot of change in the number of visitors at all. Also, I don't think this is a personal blog. It can be at times but it's primarily technical with some "life" thrown in to stop it getting *too* boring. The articles aren't sparse either. They were patchy for a while but this year there's been one a month so far. If you knew how much was involved in writing them you would appreciate this more.

    A breakdown of articles by year:

    2000 - 36 (part year)

    2001 - 69

    2002 - 19

    2003 - 15 (5 on PHP)

    2004 - 4 and counting.

    So, yes, there's been a decline. But I like to think it's quality rather than quantity. Most of the articles I wrote in 2001 were pap. The way I write now is completely different to back then. The articles started as merely tips, whereas now I like to think they are a little more in-depth, offering workable real-life solutions to common problems.

    Anyway, I digress. The site may well change in the future. When it does it will change in the same way I do. Who knows what I will be doing in the future!? If it's PHP then codestore will reflect that. As it will if I end up with Java/Portals etc... what I won't do is talk about things merely to attract visitors (and hence more sponsors).

  4. It may be the charity as well this time, Jake. MSF is a single world-wide organisation (and one that is often under-publicised until events like the blogathon come along), but BHF is in a sort of competition with the various national heart-and-stroke foundations around the world, most of which are "in our faces" every day with television, radio and billboard ads everywhere. While MSF has not been shy about direct mailing to existing donors, they aren't the sort to bombard potential donors into numbness with adverts and telemarketing. The aims are noble, but the execution leaves people wondering about where their money's going....

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 27 May 2004 03:13 PM

    Good point Stan, and one of the reasons I chose MSF. Another being that they are *global*. If I had the choice I wouldn't necessarily choose BHF. After all, why would I want to raise money for CHF (is there one) when I can give to BHF and increase the chance I might benefit directly one day. If you see what I mean...

    • avatar
    • Jono
    • Thu 27 May 2004 04:15 PM

    I completely disagree with John's comments - if this site had no 'personal' stuff it would be boring as hell and I certainly wouldn't be back as often as I am.

    Jake, thanks for the kick up the arse - I did intend to sponsor you when I read your initial post, you know how you get side-tracked... (god this page really is going to be full of 'excuses'!)


  5. Carrots, its all about carrots!

    Last time, if I recall correctly, you offered a carrot in the form of your current Codestore template to anyone who donated over a particular amount.

    Not that I'm suggesting that you need to give anymore than you already do - but if people think they're going to get something they wouldn't normally be able to get their hands on, their wallets fall open! Human nature and all that.

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Fri 28 May 2004 03:38 AM

    On a completely unrelated point, check www.contractoruk.co.uk as they have an article on lotus/IBM and MS exchange contract rates

  6. I may not post here, but I definitely read your site often. There are more of us out here that read but don't speak up much. I think the mix between personal and technical is perfect. Keep up the great work!

    Anyhow, I went to that form and it seemed like it froze up on me. It lists my name on your list of sponsors, so I hope it went through.

    Best of luck, and don't go on a hunger strike or anything!

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Fri 28 May 2004 09:10 AM

    Thanks David. Good to hear from you. Looks like your donation went through ok. Cheers!

    • avatar
    • Aden
    • Fri 28 May 2004 09:57 AM

    I really look forward to not only reading your blogs about technical stuff but I really enjoy knowing what your up to and what your own thoughts are... Keep up the personal stuff as much as the techy stuff....

    A good balance always works...

    • avatar
    • Michael McMahon
    • Fri 28 May 2004 02:30 PM

    I've lurked around almost since day one so I ponied up some Canuck bucks for you. (They don't go too far in pounds)

    As for the personal/tech article ratio, I'm just fine with it. One of these days I hope to cough up an article for you.

    Have a good ride! - Michael

  7. Avid reader of your site, Jake, and like the balance of personal and technical input. I think you have a very "open" and collaborative style - surely one of the hallmarks of the Domino community!!

    I haven't contributed much (just lurking!) so am starting with this post and a contribution to your sponsorship efforts.

    Colleagues tried to persuade me to do the ride - one day I will!


  8. So many,many times I visit your site; when I grow up I want to be a domino guru like you (any luck on the o'reilly book push?)- please don't go away...

    • avatar
    • Lee
    • Wed 2 Jun 2004 04:43 PM

    --> I'm not asking for blood, just a little from each of you...

    Well wait a minute. What's wrong with asking for blood? Blood is a very important donation we should all consider if we're healthy enough to give. In fact a buddy of mine is convinced the act of losing a pint of blood at donation time every 3 months is actually contributing to one's own health. At any rate, I hope folks look after their own health, and do what they can for the health of others. And a lot of that doesn't even require a financial burden. </health rant> carry on.

  9. Jake - happy to join your list of sponsors. Interesting that the BHF site won't allow me to enter US Dollars ... despite the seeming ability to edit the Pound Sterling indicator.

  10. Good luck on the bike ride mate. All the best.

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