
Domino Upgrades

For what must be at least two years I've been happily using Cute FTP Pro 3. What I didn't realise is that it's now up to version 6. Maybe it's because they don't prompt me to auto-update or email me about new releases. More likely I missed out on all the updates as it works perfectly well as it is. It's an FTP client, what more can it do than it already does? Anyway, like a fool, I checked for an update and found it's now version 6. Surely this means some super new set of features! With a price tag of $30 to upgrade you would hope so. Do I want to find out though? That's the question.

Normally with software I like I am the first in the queue when it comes to upgrading. Even with a price tag, if it's something I like I'd usually buy it. This time however I am giving it some more thought. Why would I upgrade? The urge to have the latest and greatest I suppose. At the back of my mind I know I'll give in and splash out in the hope it gives me something I haven't already got. A flash new interface maybe? Not by the looks of it.

I used to be the same about Domino. I followed each and every 5.0.x release and critical fix pack religiously. I wouldn't even wait to hear others horror stories, just diving straight in. Why then I am still developing with a 6.0.1 client on a Linux 6.0 server? I've not even bothered to download 6.5 yet! It's not as if there's a hefty upgrade price either!!

Maybe it's because I've learnt not to expect anything for my efforts. Maybe a few bugs are fixed (and some introduced) but I never launch in to a new blow-me-away UI. It's just not worth the effort and so it's not top of my priority list either. Until I have to upgrade I am happy sticking with Domino 6.0.1. Whether I stick with CuteFTP version 3 is another thing...


    • avatar
    • Indy
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 02:53

    You're getting old Jake! And old people tend to get rusty and don't like changes ;)

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 03:36

    You're right Indy. Problem not just change I'm scared but risk as well. I'm the same on my mountain bike now. I go down hills with the brakes on walk down steps. Ten years ago I had no fear, now I worry about the consequences a broken bone or two could have. Imagine if I broke my fingers... maybe I should insure them ;o)

    • avatar
    • YoGi
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 04:00

    Why spending money in FTP clients where Firefox can make perfectly the day ? :)

  1. Try this one! Freeware too:


    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 04:53

    YoGi. I use the FTP client for uploads 99% of the time.

    Arjan. Thanks, might give that a go.

    • avatar
    • Lance
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 08:17 AM

    I've been using FileZilla for a while and it works very nicely. It opens files in my favorite editor (TextPad) directly and when you close them it prompts to upload. Works very nice.


    • avatar
    • Rajiv Menon
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 11:02 AM

    I have been using WS_FTP {Link} Pro for years now. They have a light version too.

  2. You are so right about new Domino releases.

    I recently decided that if I was going to use Domino as an HTML platform then I would use the all-singing, mind-blowing RNEXT. Oh dear!

    Imagine my disappointment with 6.5.1! Basically the same old IDE with a few features that should have been added to 5.x about 3 years ago.

    The only thing I really like is the ability to do loops in formula (see note above, though) and the @WebDbName function. Script libraries are OK, as is the ability to import CSS style sheets but hardly worth the effort of upgrading.

    I let IBM know all this at a meeting with them. They actually seemed surprised that I didn't think it was the best thing since sliced bread. Maybe they should read a few more forums and Domino sites (yours would be a good start!).

    And Domino/Notes 7 is on the cards for early next year. Perhaps forms will understand Javascript a bit better and not just give a "Syntax error" message.

    I just can't wait (said in highly sarcastic tone of voice).

    • avatar
    • mark
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 05:03 PM

    i agree with Lance, Filezilla is great and at just the right price :-)

    • avatar
    • Tulio
    • Thu 15 Jul 2004 10:25 PM

    I agree with you all...

    But in my case, the migration from 5.0.12 to 6.5.1 make me feel in heaven.

    The server becomes much more stable(in terms of simultaneous users and agents), the spam control is going very well, and the Admin becomes much more powerfull.

    And I have to agree... Development task didn't received the right attention.

    I've tried Domino 7 Beta and for me it looks like a 6.6 release... Nothing so fantastic in it...

  3. Jake,

    your thoughts on CUTE FTP is why I'm still on Notes 5 and not 6. I know I should upgrade, but I'm just so comfotable with 5 and there is no charge. Maybe I'll move to Notes 6

    • avatar
    • Jeffrey
    • Fri 16 Jul 2004 12:46 AM

    You are right. It's better NOT use a newly released version of Notes/Domino. As I know IBM internal is just using 6.02CF1 right now. And I can not find any much exciting features from the preview of Domion 7 Beta. I think they may cost much time on Websphere development or even the migration from Domino to DB2 ...

  4. Ralph,

    what version step are you talking about? 6.0 to 6.5? O.K., there is about no improvement at all. 5.x to 6.x? I couldn't disagree more. R6 to me is an even more important upgrade over R5, than R5 was over R4.6. And I'm talkin about both, Notes Client and Web development. There are literally dozens of improvements in every area of the product directly targeting productivity.

    Plus, R6 Clients are definitely way more robust than any R5 release ever was (explicitely including 5.0.13). And the R6 server is a heck of a lot faster in startup and operation. The longer you use it, the more you get annoyed when switching back to R5 in customer projects.


    what do you mean by IBM using 6.02CF1 internally? I've seen IBM departments using R5 (with R4.0 style mail boxes). Server side, e.g. the Lotus Forums & Community server ({Link} runs on R651HF278. They would be crazy not to do so. Back in the days of the old notes.net, the side was run on R6 Milestones months before the Gold version was released. So, to the best of my knowledge there is no such thing as one Domino version beeing used throughout IBM.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 15 Jul 2004

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