
The Wait

PIPEX Xtreme Business 500 Standard

Current ADSL Order Status: At this time, we estimate that your line is likely to be enabled during 24/08/2004.

A week today and I should be back in the world of broadband. It's an agonising wait! Made bearable only by the fact that I have plenty of things to be doing about the house and so spend most of the day away from the computer.

One thing I've found in the past is that the line is actually ADSL enabled before the date given. That's why I am trying to connect at least once a day until I get the green light - literally! It's normally only one or two days in advance but you never know.

When will codestore return to normal? Good question. Hopefully soon after my connection to the world is improved. In them mean time I still have this month's article to write and will keep blog entries coming whenever I think of anything interesting to talk about.


    • avatar
    • Paul T
    • Tue 17 Aug 2004 05:52 AM


    My ADSL was actually enabled AFTER the date given, due to 'Our engineers are busy'. This led to a wasted evening trying to find out what was wrong with my router when it was working perfectly - I just hadn't been enabled yet.

    • avatar
    • Paul G
    • Tue 17 Aug 2004 08:25 AM

    How can any company in their right mind use "Xtreme" and "Standard" in the same product name?

    Bonkers is what it is!

  1. Paul,

    you're taking it one step too far. Who ever said, that "Xtreme" was more than some marketing bullshit tickling your mind? If you thought that "Xtreme" referes to "extreme", it was just your imagination .... ;-)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 17 Aug 2004

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