
NextLaptop = ThinkPad T41

My mind is all but made up. You guys had already done a good job of convincing me a ThinkPad was the way to go. Then I went to a friend's on Saturday and he happened to have his work's T41 on the table. Needless to say I had a good play with it and really like it.

IBM ThinkPad T41

That's the trouble with buying a laptop - you hardly ever get to actually play with the machine you're shelling all that cash out on. The same probably isn't true of desktops, but I think it's important to actually like the design of a laptop.

The only thing that I didn't like about it is the screen resolution, something I've talked about before. My Dell runs at 1400*1050. The maximum on the IBM (and most others on the market) is 1024*768. I know most users don't want (or can't read) these extra pixels but I like to get as much on to the screen as I can. Will this put me off the ThinkPad? Probably not.

Now then. Can I wait until Christmas and treat myself or will I give in and buy it sooner?


  1. IBM has laptops with 15" screens displaying 1600x1200 pixels. I believe there is a R51 that does that. Check out the specs.

  2. This would be the R50p. A bit pricey though: {Link}

    There is a R51 with 1400x1050: {Link}

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Mon 15 Nov 2004 05:23

    Hmm, should I take laptop advice from Volker Weber? Remember what happened when you looked at my iBook at LotusSphere!?

    Just when I thought my mind was made up. I *was* going to go for a low-spec T41.

    You can get T41 with higher resolutions but you're looking at almost twice the price.

    Now I've seen that there's an R51 with 15" 1400*1050 for the same price as the low-spec T41.

    But I've not seen an R51 in the flesh and the site doesn't seem to list the weight, although it is listed in the "Thin and light" section. From what I can see in the pictures though the R series doesn't have the sleak look of the T series.

    • avatar
    • Chris Melikian
    • Mon 15 Nov 2004 05:45

    R50p is heavy but not as heavy or bulky as my old Inspiron 8200...

  3. I have a T41 for my side consulting and a Dell D600 from my main job. Needless to say, my Thinkpad holds a special place in my heart. It's such a well built laptop. What's the price of the T41 you spec'ed? I assume you did this via their website? You should check with any IBMer friends that you may have, they can hook you up with prices via the employee purchase program (EPP). This is open to friends and family of the employee, that's how I got mine.

    • avatar
    • James Jennett
    • Mon 15 Nov 2004 15:07

    Got an R50 from work. Not bad. Got built-in wireless aparently which I would like to get working. Give me a shout if you want a butchers!

  4. I have a thinkpad T41 with a 1400x1050 resolution. I would also say that overall the T41 is a great computer. The keyboard light is a nice feature from IBM too.

    • avatar
    • ursus
    • Tue 16 Nov 2004 01:04

    I have the T41p => 1400 x 1050 resolution - I have an external monitor attached that runs at 1280 x 1024. I must say that my problem with the screen is not the resolution but rather the luminence - it just seems a bit dark to me. Maybe it's because I am running a Philips Brilliance 180P2 (very bright screen), but I'm just never totally happy with the screen.

    I have a Powerbook 15" (about 3/4 year old) and the screen is very similar to the IBM.

    I love the new Sony "Black" screens - they are very bright and the contrast is excellent - unfortunatly they are also very reflective!

    And I would get it now, rather than wait for Christmas ;o)

  5. To add to the confusion. There is a T42p that comes with 1600x1200 pixels. Once you get started on Eclipse, Visual Sutdio or similar IDE you will be happy for every pixel you get.

    You might need Santa to finance it (or will IBM do the Leasebuy?)

    :-) stw

    P.S.: The T series seems more robust.

  6. The X series is the "Executive", meaning light on features and very thin (I think it even has a cut-down keyboard). The G series became the R series, and is the "desktop-equivalent", i.e has everything including kithen utensils, and so is very thick and heavy (3.5-4 kg). The T series is in between, being nice and thin, but not light on features (2.5-3 kg).

    Check out the IBM us site for better descriptions (weights and measures) -- they're all there, just hidden in the detail pages.

    I wish they delivered overseas from the US site, because you can build your own TP, just like a Dell. Want a 15" screen? And the latest ATI Graphics card? Sure! We have to rely on pre-built models. Dang.

    • avatar
    • Jeffrey
    • Mon 22 Nov 2004 04:55

    Do not try R series, the T series is the best and the classic. I used many models, now I am using a T42 with 1400*1050 resolution on 14' LCD. There is also a type of T42 have 15' LCD, but I think it is too heavy, and not easy to carry ...

  7. > "Hmm, should I take laptop advice from Volker Weber?"

    You get what you pay for.

    > "Remember what happened when you looked at my iBook at LotusSphere!?"

    Not really. I believe it developed for the first time the dreaded problem that was later resolved by Apple under an extended warranty.

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 25 Nov 2004 09:56

    That was meant as a joke Volker. Probably lost in translation though...

    I wouldn't say I hung on your every word but I do respect you and your opinion more than most.

  8. No need to worry. I did not take it as an offence.

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