
This Week's Annoyance

This week I will mainly be getting annoyed by the following dialog box (Yes, I've doctored it):

Annoying Notes prompt

Enough already Notes! I know!! There's no need to tell me ten times if I open a form with ten subforms on it. Are you trying to force an upgrade out of me?

Why not let me have the above option not to get this prompt? Instead you could politely print it to that status bar thingy at the bottom. There's nothing more annoying than an endless stream of pointless prompts. Well, I know there's a good point to this one. It's just that I don't like the way it's handled. What about prompting me when (read if) I actually make a change and save it?


    • avatar
    • Karen
    • Mon 13 Dec 2004 08:53

    I second that emotion.

    • avatar
    • Doug
    • Mon 13 Dec 2004 09:22

    I find it to be a pain as well. The solution I have used is to simply run an agent against all design elements and modify the "$DesignerVersion" field.

    Sub Initialize

    'Change the $DesignerVersion field on all design elements

    Dim session As New NotesSession

    Dim db As NotesDatabase

    Dim doc As NotesDocument

    Dim ChangeCount As Integer

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim id As String

    Dim curDV As String

    'Change this STRING variable to your current designer version

    curDV = "6"

    Set db=session.CurrentDatabase

    For i%=1 To 5000

    id = Hex$ (i%)

    If Len ( id ) <> 8 Then

    'pad with zeros

    id = String$ ( 8-Len(id), "0" ) & id

    End If

    Set doc=db.GetDocumentByID( id )

    If Not (doc Is Nothing) Then

    If doc.HasItem("$DesignerVersion") Then

    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("$DesignerVersion",curDV)

    Call doc.save(True,True)

    ChangeCount% =ChangeCount%+1

    End If

    End If

    Next i

    Print ChangeCount%;" design elements updated."

    End Sub

  1. Yes, and I also grow tired of the prompt that displays whenever you view the design of an element in a database which is controlled by a template or the dialog that displays whenever you choose to refresh the design of a database from a template.

  2. Jennifer, you beat me to it!

    I can understand a warning when you first go into a database design that inherits from a template. That would be a good feature.

    But every design element? No wonder things take ages to open over slow network connections!

  3. Hi.

    And the messagebox "Notesuidocument save event cancelled"? grrrrr

    • avatar
    • Jerry Carter
    • Tue 14 Dec 2004 12:02

    Did I hear someone suggest a petition to open source Notes? Oh. Must have been me two years ago... nobody bit then either.

    Firefox is on the curve for this kind of stuff because? It's open source. Domino will forever be behind it because it's proprietary - there are no daily builds... and so far the UI is nonextensible. Not to bash it, I love ND6 - it's great. You've just illustrated a couple of reasons why it's falling behind the times, already, though.

    Did your IBM action pack ever arrive, Jake?

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 14 Dec 2004 12:26

    What do you think Jerry? About as much chance of finding Santa stuck in the chimney this Christmas. Maybe he'll deliver it personally. Who knows...

  4. Based on my own lack of delivery, I'd say that's as much a hope as I have. Maybe I'll get to say hulo to Rudolph too.

  5. I sure hope someone at Lotus Development reads this!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 13 Dec 2004

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