
April Fool Revisited

On a day when it's hard to know what to believe I'll make it easy for you: this post is a joke. It's still makes me laugh when I remember my "JavaScript to launch Notes Client" prank. The funniest part was the number of people who really fell for it, even after so many of you had pointed out it was a joke.

Well, using yesterday's CSS technique, I've improved it a little. So, here it is again - the improved Notes Launcher: Click me to launch Notes.

The old version had the obvious giveaway that the RBOD scrolled with the browser page. Now it uses position:fixed it works better with standards-compliant browsers.

Taking it a step further too far we could use some code to make it appear in the centre of the screen, rather than the centre of the browser - the other giveaway.

What use? I don't know. Maybe you could use it on your colleagues. Or, for the brave, your boss. Have fun!


  1. Excellent !

    I have not believe it for a long time, because, as I am french, my Lotus Notes is french version !

  2. :''''-D

    I'm still laughing [ still or yet? :-/ ], Jake. It's a wonderfull joke ... ho-ho-ho ...

    I wonder why in Great Britain the "joke's day" is April, 1th and, in Spain, for example, the day ( it's called "Santos Inocentes" ) is December, 28th ...

    I'd like ALL the world celebrates the "joke's day" the same day ... I think it would be better for all of us ... ;-)

  3. I have used the joke in my web, Jake.

    Of course, i said that you are the author, the translated ( i hope ) version says: "Using H4ck1ng techniques, and with the indispensable help of the great guru Jake Hawlett i've discovered ..."

    I have modified a 'little' the code ... I've included the style into DIV tag ( appending to CSS display:none ) . After this i've added an 'onclick' in the same tag for "closing" the Red Screen Of Death. You know, not "closing" really, only "hide" ... he-he-he.


    • avatar
    • Richard Fenwick
    • Sat 2 Apr 2005 07:45

    When I click on the link I get the Red Screen Of Death, is does not work… not good enough ;.)

  4. Richard, don't know what the problem is (maybe you should upgrade your Domino server to 6.5.4FP6.5.1_for_Sametime6.5.1FP6.5.4_for_Domino6.5.4), but the link works just fine for me. Maybe it's because I didn't recognize Jake pointing out, it's a joke. You know, I'm no native speaker ...

    • avatar
    • stealth82
    • Mon 4 Apr 2005 05:25

    the classic is better and without errors (no red death) :-)

    <a href="notes://">Link</a>

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 1 Apr 2005

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