
Phil's Stag, Vilnius 2005

Vilnius. What can I say? Perfect location for Stag weekends! Cheap beer, nice people and lots of late-night bars. A great time was had by all, although I'm paying the price today.

We flew on a Boeing 737 and, I'm not kidding, there were 4 women on the whole plane. The rest of the plane was made up with 30-something males and probably about 10 stags. It must be a mixed blessing for a city to become the Englishman's preffered stag venue. The money comes at a price: groups of drunken idiots walking the streets, singing at the tops of their voices until the early hours.

Let me dispel a myth about the English. We are not all trouble-causing football yobs. They are a minority and no more in number than many other European countries. Sure, we're all drunken, but we're mainly well-behaved and certainly don't go about looking for trouble. We just like to have a good time and prefer doing it in another country.

The locals in Vilnius took it all very well (even the owners of the restaurant that we'd completely emptied an hour after our arrival). Whether this will still be the case in five year's time I don't know. I kept thinking about the roles being reversed. How well would the average Brit take to groups of 20 Lithuanians invading our cities, leering over our girlfriends and singing "Russian" songs all night long? Not very well, I'm sure.

Anyway, there was lots of fun had. There are too many stories for me to try and recall them all. I did manage to get some photos though. To see them all click the picture of me drinking 12 pints in one go (ok, maybe it took us all to finish it):

Now where's the fruit bowl, I've got some detoxing to do...


    • avatar
    • Clarkey
    • Mon 6 Jun 2005 05:40

    I did not want to leave and come home on sunday morning, just wondering if I can get a Notes contract over there?

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Mon 6 Jun 2005 07:58

    You could have done another day of that? My body can't take another drop onboad for at least a week.

    Contracts in Vilnius? 10 Litas an hour??

  1. That's the biggest beer mug I've ever seen. I wish I had one in front of me right now.

    • avatar
    • Clarkey
    • Mon 6 Jun 2005 10:05

    10 Litas and hour and all the local girls you can catch. ;-)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 6 Jun 2005

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