

Feeling a bit muggy, so I'm going to have to keep it light today. Instead of anything techy I'm going to poke fun at a local business.

Round the corner from us there's a beauty parlour. Every time I pass it makes me laugh to myself. The shop's called mitchellsbeauty.com. What's so funny? I don't really know. I just think it's an odd name for what's obviously a very local business and the only shop in a very short chain. Whoever opened it must have done so about the time of the dotcom explosion. It was cool to call yourself lastminute.com or whatever. That is of course if you're a web business with a truly global reach. A beauty salon in a suburb of Nottingham though? Me thinks not.

I'd always wondered if there was a website at mitchellsbeauty.com, so I took a look the other day and found there was. Not only do they have a website but their preferred address is mitchellsinternational.com. International? I can only imagine they're normally out of the country at the Milan Fashion Show or they have clients jetting in from Beverley Hills to get their nails done.

What really made me laugh about the website though was the background sound, which reminded me of the Sonic Marketing post from last August. For those without IE and a soundcard, this might give you an idea what you're missing:

<bgsound src="scissor.mp3" loop="infinite">

It's great. You can almost imagine you're there in the salon waiting to get your Brazillian done. See how long you can leave that site open in the background before it drives you bonkers.

Disclaimer: As another small business owner I know I shouldn't poke fun at their ambitions. I just couldn't help it and hope they see it as harmless fun. If they're related to The Mitchell Brothers I'm in big trouble.


    • avatar
    • Adam G
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 05:09 AM

    You should know better at your age, Jake!

  1. What do u mean by "to get your Brazillian done"? I´m here at office without headphones so I cant listen to the music.

    see ya and better latter than never, happy bday.


    São Paulo/Brazil

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 05:28 AM

    You're right Adam. I should.

    Valdecir. Do a google for "Brazilian wax". It's a lady thing. What do you guys call it? Just a normal waxing?

  2. mmmmm as far as I know.... the progression is...

    One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one million, one billion, one trillion, one brazillion...



  3. That reminds me of a local beauty shop. The sign out front is Salon.com....

    Ummm, that's been taken for years!

    • avatar
    • name withheld to protect...
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 07:27 AM

    reminds me of a recent joke I heard...

    An advisor says to George Bush - "Mr Bush, two Brazillion soldiers were killed today in Iraq."

    George Bush replies - "That's terrible!"

    Then after a long time and with a puzzled expression on his face he says - "Remind me again, just how many make up a Brazillain?"

    ...well it made me laugh...

  4. Here in Buffalo alot of local businesses like to use the "international" in the name since we have the local consumer traffic from Canada. Just like some of the grass-strip airports that have "international" in the name because one flight a month comes from Toronto.

    • avatar
    • Dibbo
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 08:58 AM

    haha..that's quality!

    'Brazilian' aka 'landing strip'

    • avatar
    • Phil
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 10:17 AM

    Out of order Treacle. Bang to rights and no mistake.

    • avatar
    • Grant
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 11:19 AM

    Leave it Bruv

    • avatar
    • Phil
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 12:47 PM


    • avatar
    • Peggy
    • Thu 12 Jan 2006 02:26 PM

    Leave mah boys aht of it

    • avatar
    • Aden
    • Fri 13 Jan 2006 04:25 AM

    Check these boys out who made the site.


    • avatar
    • Dick Norman
    • Fri 13 Jan 2006 09:35 AM

    Two thoughts...

    1) My wife is a hair dresser and if I recall correctly there is a large line of "Mitchells" hair products. Maybe this guy has a dual marketing strategy i.e. cut hair and sell his domain name for a wad.

    2) I did some serious fishing on the Kenai in Alaska about ten years ago. Our fishing guide poked a lot of fun at his employer who operated a "world famous" fishing guide company. Problem was that people literally did go half way around the world to take advantage of his expertise.

    Thanks for the diversion.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 12 Jan 2006

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