
Tips Week 2.2 - Trimming Names in LotusScript

If you thought yesterday's tip was simple, check this out.

Have you ever written code of questionable quality like this?

FullName = doc.FirstName(0)

if doc.MiddleInitial(0) <> "" then
 FullName = FullName + doc.MiddleInitial(0)
end if

FullName = FullName + " " + doc.LastName(0)

I know I've been guilty of coding like this in the past. There must be an easier way to work out full names for users? Well, yeah, you can use FullTrim() to remove duplicate spaces and so the following would do just fine:

FullTrim( doc.FirstName(0)+ " " 
        + doc.MiddleInitial(0) + " " + doc.LastName(0))

More simple tips to follow...


    • avatar
    • Remko
    • Tue 14 Mar 2006 07:23 AM

    However when you use fulltrim in a scheduled agent on many many documents, this function causes a memory leak

    • avatar
    • Jake
    • Tue 14 Mar 2006 07:31 AM

    Really? Doh. The following would do too:

    Trim( doc.FirstName(0)+ " " + doc.MiddleInitial(0)) + " " + doc.LastName(0)

  1. Really -- in the R5 code stream (fixed in 5.0.9, if I recall correctly).

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 14 Mar 2006

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