
Safe and Sound

I made it back from the Stag weekend in one piece. All hair in place and no facial scars. Great fun was had by all.

Things are a bit hectic here at the moment with lots to do before the big day tomorrow. Not least of which is me needing to write my speech. The prospect of which had filled me with fear until this weekend when I learnt to confront fear head on.

Normally I would not jump in to water from anything more than the side of a pool. I'm as afraid of heights as most other sane people. On Saturday though, as the stag, I had no choice but to take a running jump off a 25ft cliff in to a freezing cold waterfall:

Anyway, needless to say it will be quiet here until at least this time next week.


  1. Jake - there's still time to run... Run Man, RUN!

    • avatar
    • Clarkey
    • Wed 12 Apr 2006 05:18 AM

    Great Weekend Matey! I still cannot sit, kneel or move without squealing in pain.

    All the best for tomorrow!


    • avatar
    • Philip
    • Wed 12 Apr 2006 05:34 AM

    Nice one Jake, best of luck for the big day, sorry I can't make it across from Sweden for it. I'll get the details of stag from Clarkey ;-)

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Wed 12 Apr 2006 05:59 AM

    It could always be worse Matt, you could be having the beer regrets that Julian is undoubtedly having this week.

    • avatar
    • Marcus
    • Wed 12 Apr 2006 06:49 AM

    Don't know if it's just me but I'm covered in bruises and have had a cold since I've been back. Good weekend though, really enjoyed it. See you tomorrow.

    • avatar
    • Anura
    • Wed 12 Apr 2006 07:02 AM

    A quiet word of advice from an old hand ...

    If your future father-in-law offers to take you out for a 'quiet drink' the night before the wedding, decline the invitation using your politest manner.

    And if you choose to take up the offer, definitely don't have pizza for breakfast the next day!

    Good luck for the day and remember to have fun.

    • avatar
    • Aden
    • Wed 12 Apr 2006 10:03 AM

    Rock On Man!

  2. LOL! You're mad Jake! What does Karen think you needing to go to such extremes to work up the nerve to go through with it? ;-) Or I guess it could go the other way, you jumped off a cliff for her. hehe

    Best of luck with the speech!

    @Anura... I can only imagine the details of the full story but it sound worthy of a short movie.

    • avatar
    • harkpabst_meliantrop
    • Thu 13 Apr 2006 06:13 AM

    Best of luck. You're doing right, man.

    • avatar
    • Keith
    • Thu 13 Apr 2006 02:30 PM

    Best of luck, Jake! I went rock-climbing for my bachelor party and loved every minute of it -- didn't make in big falls, though, thank God.

    Best of luck and don't think about tech a bit!

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 12 Apr 2006

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