
Back to Life

We got back safe and sound on Tuesday night. Everybody's been asking if we had trouble at the airports, but we didn't.

Keffalonia was nice. Not as nice as I'd expected though, based on what people had said about it and the fact it was the setting for a movie and everything. In fact I'd say it was the least favourite of all the Greek islands I've been to. Skiathos being my favourite.

Half the trouble with Cefalonia is that it's large for a Greek island. Whereas, with the likes of Skiathos, it's hard to get lost in a hired car, in Cefalonia it's all too easy. Driving round was also an ordeal for the girls as there are so many roads that follow the side of mountains, with massive drops to the side.

Anyway, if you do go, avoid Lassi and make sure you go to Myrtos Bay and get there early to avoid having to park at the top of the climb.

Back to work for me now and back to normal techy blogging tomorrow.


  1. Welcome back, Jake. Glad you got to take a holiday. Hope you took some good pictures. :-)

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 17 Aug 2006 06:55 AM

    Most of the pictures involve the girls and bikinis, so I can't imagine I'll get permission to publish online... ;o(

  2. Welcome back! And am I the only one who (at first glance) read your destination as Cell-phonia?


  3. Nice to see you back, one of these days I will get round to one of these "Holiday" things.

    • avatar
    • Davies
    • Thu 17 Aug 2006 07:20 AM

    Welcome back!! Congrats on the baby too.


    • avatar
    • Chad
    • Thu 17 Aug 2006 07:34 AM

    Welcome back.

    Has anyone else noticed that you seem to spell kefalonia different everytime you write it?

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Thu 17 Aug 2006 09:00 AM

    That's because I don't know how to spell it Chad. I don't think anybody does. According to Wikipedia:

    "Kefalonia, also known as Cephallenia, Cephallania, Cephallonia, Kefallinia, or Kefallonia"

  4. Welcome back Jake. Back to work eh? Maybe you need another vacation to recover from this vacation. Hmm ... Kefalonia seems like a tough word to pronounce...

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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 17 Aug 2006

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