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Last Thursday was my 32nd birthday. Last Friday Felix was one month old. Both events were overshadowed somewhat by the lack of hot water and heating in the house, following the demise of our boiler. It didn't exactly spoil my birthday but it's not what you want to happen during "winter" when you've got a small child to look after. We just had to use other people's showers and invite ourselves round places for our dinner to get out of the house for a couple of days.

Anyway, Felix is now in to his fifth week and is doing really well. Here he is in the bath last night. Apparently babies can't smile until about six weeks, but Felix has started early — there's no doubting he loves having a bath. Bathing him is one of my chores and something I don't mind at all. There nothing like the feeling when a baby first learns to smile and you start to get something back from them.

All in all he's a really good baby. He only ever cries when he needs feeding or gets a little wind. Apart from that he's as good as gold. In fact he's almost sleeping through the night. He normally wakes about 4am for a feed and then again until about 8am. There have only been a couple of night where he's woke more than once and they were when he was first born.

Mind you, I'm sleeping in the spare room/office on an inflatable bed, so I can't really complain anyway ;o)


  1. You have a beautiful baby. Welcome to Fatherhood.

  2. Oooopppss. Happy Belated Birthday!

  3. Man, he looks so happy!!

    Happy Bday Jake, and enjoy your kid as much as you can, they are awesome.


  4. What a cutie! After they pass the 6 month mark they really start to interact - your reward for surviving that long with minimal sleep.

    Let me know if you need anything from Lotusphere.



  5. Enjoy this time. It seems like yesterday that I was changing and bathing my first born son. Now we are looking at colleges for him.

    • avatar
    • Brian Miller
    • Mon 15 Jan 2007 07:06 PM

    What a cutie!

    • avatar
    • Heather
    • Tue 16 Jan 2007 08:59 AM

    Awww.. what a sweetie.

    You have a very beautiful baby.


  6. Adorable baby Jake! What a great little guy you have. My girls did not take to the water so well. How you are so blessed with such a well adjusted 5 month old is beyond me. ;-)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 15 Jan 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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