
Me and My Meandering Mind

Karen accuses me of being a faddy person, which I can only half deny. She claims mountain biking is a fad of mine, despite me having been in to it for more than half my life. Ok, so maybe the photography thing was a fad, but I learnt to use a camera properly and still like to. It's just that it's always hard to find the time to fit everything in. If only there really were that proverbial extra hour in the day.

You guys might have noticed my mind wanders from time to time as well. Remember SVG? Remember Puakma? Remember PHP? Remember Rails? And, most recently, what about DExt?

Yeah, what about DExt Jake!? I hear you say.

Well, for now I try to keep up with the what's going on with Ext — now in Beta, rather than Alpha stage and with a new website that gives an idea what the future holds. However, I decided to take a step back and get to grips with the level of JavaScript needed to really do it justice. Not only that but I want to make DExt independent of both Ext and other base libraries such as YUI or Mootools.

As with everything I do I want to make it actually of use to the largest number of you as possible. I like to think my solutions are "real world" and realistic. My plan for DExt is to make it a simple set of useful JavaScript addons for the average Domino developer. Things like session awareness, form validation, name pickers, date picker etc. All things I've done before, but all brought together in one easy to manage package.

That said, there are plans afoot for a team effort on an Ext-based Domino library, which sounds very interesting. As with anything I have no idea what will come of it or how long it will take. You'll just have to stick around to find out. Rest assured though, you've not heard the last of this.


    • avatar
    • Mike
    • Thu 5 Apr 2007 09:41 AM

    Jake -

    I hear the exact same things from my wife. Don't sweat it. I decided to embrace my fads and ride them out as long (or short) they last. Some of them disappear for a while then come back around.

    Definitely looking forward to the DExt stuff!

    -- Mike

  1. Keep meandering! Everytime you do I get to learn something new! :)

    • avatar
    • Rob
    • Fri 6 Apr 2007 02:33 PM

    I've lost some weight so I'm not as much of a faddy as I was.

    Why is it in programming we always want to start over? Make a new program... a new library... a new framework... make a new language.

    I know I have that urge too.

    Whenever I think about leaving Notes for greener pastures I think about all the infrastructure I'd have to recreate just to get back to where I am now.

    "Science is supposedly the method by which we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. In computer science, we all are standing on each others' feet". - G. Popek.


    Notes still has those lame Java applets to edit rich text fields, display views, etc. IBM isn't going to give us what we need because they're scared of affecting their WebSphere sales, I think.

    How can we work together, leverage our ideas, our code, our documentation, our patterns? Some open source projects have done this to a greater or lessor extent.



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Written by Jake Howlett on Thu 5 Apr 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

Your host is Jake Howlett who runs his own web development company called Rockall Design and is always on the lookout for new and interesting work to do.

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