
Coast 2 Coast Bike Ride Complete

We got back yesterday from our three day crossing of England on bikes — Workington to Sunderland.

More photos here.

I think I speak for all of us when I say we ache like hell and won't be sitting comfortably on any saddles for at least another week. My over-riding memory of the weekend is of long arduos climbs and the sensation of my thighs being on fire.

The route is really well done. Apart from the odd way-marker either moved or missing in the scummier of the town centres you pass through it's almost impossible to get lost. Maps and GPS not needed.

If you're thinking of doing the route my advice is to avoid staying in Workington on the first night. Instead stay at Fellfoot Hostel, drive over to Workington in the morning and then spend the second night in the same hostel when you arrive back in Penrith. Workington is a dump and the B&B we stayed in was awful (I smelt better before the shower!).

We stopped in Keswick on the first day for me to get a new rear tyre. Like an idiot I opted for the big phat 2.3" option. It was like having my rear brakes locked on for the rest of the ride. Mountain bikes are more suited than city bikes but you could probably get away with slick tyres and no need for rear suspension. If I did it again I think I'd get one of those wide sofa-like saddles to sit on!

Anyway, I'd love to share more of what went on but don't have the time. All that remains is to thank all of those who sponsored me - listed below (hope I didn't miss anybody off):

Gerry King, Mark Manwaring, Michael G. Smith, Jordan Tenjeras, Andre Hausberger, Dietrich Willing, Jonathan Payne, Martin Perrie, Simon Walker, Jerry Carter, Colin, Jorge, Edward Lee, Roger Arundell, Julien Bottemanne, Nick Hopkins, Mike P, Vince DiMascio, Steve Castledine, Barry Lewin, David Dickey, Simon Hayes, Bill Buchan, Philip King, Tom Breuker and Richard C.

The event managed to raise about 5k. You guys being responsible for about 1.5k, which is what kept me going on the hills!

Some time this week I'll be sending emails with links to paypal to collect the money. Until then, once again, thank you to those who sponsored!


    • avatar
    • Mike
    • Tue 31 Jul 2007 08:39 AM

    Well played sir!!!

    Congratulations to all who took part in what sounds like an enjoyable day - and such a worthy one too

    I await the heavies to come and collect my pledge :-)

  1. Wow, congratulations! I know I couldn't have made it.... at least not in my current shape.

  2. Hurrah! Well done Jake, and your mates as well! Very cool Felix was there to greet you at the end. :-)

  3. Congrats - I bet you had fun (aside from the pain) - thats a ride I would love to do one day.

    The trouble with long rides like this is whilst when you finish you feel like you will never excercise again - for me within a few days I am itching to do another!

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Wed 1 Aug 2007 04:34 AM

    You're right Steve. I can't rest as I've now got to follow the training schedule for the Robin Hood half marathon in September, which my PE teacher friend has created for me. More pain.

  4. I'm training for the Leicester Marathon in October - but at this rate I will be doing the half marathon - I'm not sure I am designed to do 26 miles on foot - and I don't think they will let me use my bike!

    I think the council will be charging me to fill in the tarmac I am slowly wearing away each day with my 15 stone carcass dragging across it!

    • avatar
    • Jon
    • Wed 1 Aug 2007 12:27 PM

    Only half of you clipped in. Did in make a difference and was it worth all the falling over in front of bus queues and teffic lights...?

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Wed 1 Aug 2007 01:04 PM

    Come up for the robin hood 1/2 in September Steve! Be a good warm up for you.

    That's a bit cryptic Jon. You mean our pedals. No going back from clipless!

  5. Congrats Jake...Sorry to be a pain...I don't have paypal (address verification thing to do with my immigration - couldn't verify as i live abroad & my paypal a/c is UK).

    Any chance you can send me bank a/c details either yours or georges armies....I still have a UK bank a/c i can make a direct pament from.

    Very well done...rgds nick

  6. Actually a good idea Jake - I'm sure theres a huge difference between training runs and actual runs. The adrenalin difference for a start and being caught at the start in crowds of people and not being able to get your pace going (so I'm told).

    I will email you when I've registered etc

    • avatar
    • Colin
    • Mon 6 Aug 2007 05:41 AM

    Hi Jake, have you sent the reminder emails out yet? If you have I haven't received one yet.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Mon 6 Aug 2007 05:54 AM

    Not yet Colin. It's high on my to-do list though.

  7. Thanks Jake - email received and donation sent. Thanks again for bringing a worthy cause to our attention and for doing the really hard part. :-)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Tue 31 Jul 2007

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