
Ten Years Ago Today

It was ten years ago today that Princess Diana died. This would normally pass me by without much thought, but it's a significant date of mine too, so I always remember one by the other.

Ten years ago today was a Sunday. It was the day dad drove me down to Hastings. On the Monday I started my first proper job on and in effect my career in IT. I remember it as we listened to Radio 1 all the way down and out of "respect" there were no DJs — just Massive Attack on repeat play, which made for a long journey. Funny how you remember things.

Remember the story of how I got in to IT? In it I mentioned the company, FDM Group, that took me on as a trainee graduate or "Mountie" as they liked to call us. It was all a bit of a joke really and not an experience I remember fondly.

My memory of it is in sharp contrast to "Lucy" who obviously loves it. It's worth watching this video just to see the bit where she's sat having a cup of tea with her "friend" and discussing FDM, as you do. Great acting guys! If you're going to make a promotional view go easy on the cheese!

So, ten years in IT. What can I say? It's hard to summarise really. Suffice to say I am happy with where I've got to and enjoyed the ride. Here's to ten more.


    • avatar
    • Karen Demerly
    • Fri 31 Aug 2007 08:42 AM

    Happy IT anniversary, Jake. You've done very well for yourself. To ten more, indeed.

  1. Hey Jake, for some reason I checked out your site today to see what you've been up to. 10 years, my how time flies when you are paying the bills! Congratulations

  2. wow that went quickly! how time flies.

    how many from our time at fdm still read this, and more to the point do any of them still work in the domino domain?

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Fri 31 Aug 2007 02:31 PM

    Hi Phil. None and none, as far as I know.

    Remember Jeb though? He contacted me recently, but via linkedin.com. He's in to websphere now though.

  3. I heard aboiut it on the train when I was traveling to Toijala (just a tiny town in Finland). I just have quit as a security guard and was moving to new place and career to study on 10 months multimedia course. Anyway, the training center took me working there before the course ended. Well, sometimes the employers fell down, but I didn't.

    Oh dear, so I have been in the business with Lotus Notes now 10 years. That's when it struck me - my 30 years crisis, just turned to 10 years crisis...!

  4. Well I read it and I'm still in IT!

    And I remember you two, me and Kamal and big Ian getting P****d after doing some Lotus exams.

    Sorry to remind you Phil, but you were the only one who failed that day.

    • avatar
    • Patrick
    • Mon 10 Sep 2007 04:22 AM

    Here's to ten more.

    - Just 10??? :D

    just kidding though. wish we could say the same for notes huh.

    thanks a lot for codestore and more power jake.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Fri 31 Aug 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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