
My Aggregated Set of Daily Links

Some of my favourite RSS feeds at the moment aren't of actual blogs, as such, but are in fact aggregated lists of interesting links.

For example I always liked Jason Kottke's leftover list of links each day and that's where I got the "inspiration" to copy the idea on this site with the elsewhere links section. The majority of Jason's blogging nowadays seems to be just links to interesting pages and it's still a feed I love reading.

For more techy web-based links I turn to Nick Bradbury's Shared Items. There's always something interesting in there every day.

Nick is the creator of FeedDemon, which I use for keeping up with RSS subscriptions. In FeedDemon I have a News Bin that I drag interesting links to, so that I can read them later, blog about it or simply add to my own "elsewhere" section. It's from this News Bin that I try and choose some additional links for you each day.

Well, it turns out I can share this News Bin using RSS. So, here it is. If you subscribe to it you'll see all links I find of interesting and drag there, as and when I do so. On the days I forget to add any links here, you can simply see them there without having to wait.

This leaves me wondering how useful the Elsewhere Links section is and whether I should remove it or not. Although, I guess it's a filtered version of the News Bin, so I might leave it on for a while yet.

Any of you read any decent aggregated news feeds you want to share?


  1. Jake, am getting a url error on the first link


    Http Status Code: 404

    Reason: File not found or unable to read file

    Cheers, Sean

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Mon 24 Sep 2007 06:13 AM

    Thanks Sean. Fixed now.

    • avatar
    • Alastair Grant
    • Mon 24 Sep 2007 07:10 AM

    Hi Jake, the 'Elsewhere Links' section is useful as otherwise you have subscribe to the feed, launch your feed reader (not available in some workplaces) and then make the effort to read though them... using your page is less effort when you have little time.

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Mon 24 Sep 2007 07:20 AM

    Good point Alistair. It's easy to forget that people still come and read the actual site ;o)

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 24 Sep 2007

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CodeStore is all about web development. Concentrating on Lotus Domino, ASP.NET, Flex, SharePoint and all things internet.

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