
100 Minute Barrier Smashed

I kick dust in the face of the 100 minute half marathon, whilst laughing in its face.

Well, almost. It took me 99 minutes and 6 seconds yesterday, but still, 100 minutes was my target and I'm happy I beat it. Results are online if there's any doubters.

Learning from our mistake last year, Tim (my brother) and I started further up the field and didn't get blocked in, which meant we could find a natural pace much earlier on. What followed was ten miles of trying to do our 7 and a 1/2 times table. 13 * 8 is 104 minutes, which is the time we did last year. 13 miles at 7.5 minutes  is 97.5. So, we knew our pace had to be somewhere between the two.

All was going well up to the 10 mile marker, which we passed at exactly 75 minutes. The last three miles were hard work though and we dropped down to 8 minute miles. At 12.5 miles I had to stop due to an agonising stitch, which I'm blaming on the Lucozade Sport drink I took on board half way round. Although I only stopped for a couple of seconds it meant Tim finished about 10 places ahead, which is a shame, as it broke our unspoken rule of always crossing the line together. We got each other round though. I find I can only push myself if somebody is running with me. I'm just too laid-back otherwise.

Today my body is a collection of aches and pains and I'm going to take the week off from running. Like a fool I've agreed to run another in mid-December. I must be mad.


    • avatar
    • Ed Lee
    • Mon 15 Sep 2008 04:28 AM

    Congratulations Jake. Great pacing and great running.

  1. Congrats Jake! Well done.

    • avatar
    • Colin
    • Mon 15 Sep 2008 05:32 AM

    Well done Jake, lets hope you get plenty of sponsorship money!

  2. Well done Jake, the wife is trying to convince me to do the Philly half marathon next week. If I do it I can be assured I won't be breaking 100 minutes!

  3. Well done, Jake! Here's to a speedy recovery.

  4. Congrats Jake!

  5. Nice one. Thats a great time.

    • avatar
    • Julien
    • Tue 16 Sep 2008 03:11 AM

    Congratulation Jake !

    I'll participate to the Amterdam marathon in october. As you did, I hope I'll reach my goal (3h30).

  6. Nice work Jake! Yer not mad, yer hooked. :-)

  7. Congratulations, Jake!

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Fri 26 Sep 2008 04:47 AM

    You should drink Gatorade. Of course that's nothing to do with the fact that I work for the company that manufacturers it. Natural and nothing artificial about it - the additives, preservatives and colourings in Lucozade Sport might be to blame for the reaction.

    • avatar
    • Mark
    • Fri 26 Sep 2008 04:48 AM

    Oh, and Tim isn't happy about you beating his time either.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 15 Sep 2008

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