
Week in Whitby

Sorry about the unexplained silence last week. We decided to take a four day trip to Whitby with the kids and their gran.

While it sounds like most people went away for the long Easter weekend (did you hear the travel news last Thursday? Sounded like hell on the roads!), we opted to spend the majority of it in or around the house. On the Tuesday that things died down we set off and got there in no time at all.

It always amazes me that people opt to travel anywhere for the long bank holiday weekends. Assuming everybody gets 28 days a year to take as holidays then why not pick any other weekend and make it in to a long one by booking the Friday and Monday off of work!?

Talking of holiday allowance - that's how our break came about. Karen pointed out - quite rightly - that I hardly take any time off and our only holiday is one week a year, whereas most "normal" people get up to 4 weeks a year.

Being self employed means it's all too easy not to take the odd short break from work. There's never the right time to. Although I'm always glad when I do, even if I come back to a mountain (well, a mound, at least) of work. Spending time with the family is always worth it!

Whitby is a great place for a short break by the sea. If you've never been you should make a point of it. There's plenty to do for at least 3 days. If you like places with a bit of history then Whitby is full of it, as all my Australian readers will no doubt know. Or any Dracula fans among you?

I'd share pictures but the came broke while we were away (girls can't catch!). I did get a couple of cute ones of the kiddies down on the beach though.



They grow so fast!

Anyway, back to work. Just thought I'd check back in.


    • avatar
    • Kerry
    • Mon 20 Apr 2009 10:12 PM


    I was wondering about the Australia reference; eventually came to me, a bit slow this arvo, need a caffenie hit.

    The kids grow so fast its scary. Glad you enjoyed the break.


  1. 28 days a year for holidays?! Not in the U.S., buddy! After 8 years at my company, I've just moved up to three weeks of vacation time (15 days), plus 6 national holidays. Many people in the States only get 2 weeks vacation a year.

    The kids are beautiful!

    • avatar
    • Tim
    • Fri 24 Apr 2009 02:24 AM

    Did you get any kipper's?????

    • avatar
    • Jake Howlett
    • Fri 24 Apr 2009 02:44 AM

    No Tim. No kippers. Good job really, as there was a £100 fine for eating kippers in the holiday let we were in. Obviously a big problem up there.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Mon 20 Apr 2009

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