CodeStore Site Stats: Browser Versions This Month
By request, here's a snapshot of the browser usage number for this site for this month.
Of the 36,500 visits the most popular browser is unsurprisingly Firefox with 47% share.
Chrome is one to watch though me thinks. Considering it has an 8% share after such a short life. My prediction is that this will be >25% by this time next year. It's been my default browser for about a month now and I hardly use IE of Firefox at all now. Never thought I'd say it but Firefox seems like bloatware in comparison.
It's good to see that IE 6 only represents 10% of the total. I'll be happier when, like its predecessor IE 5.5, it has a share of 0.01% though!
As expected, of the Firefox users most are keeping up to date with 61% of Firefox users being on the very latest release.
The chart I always like to look at in Google Analytics is the Map Overlay. Apart from the Heart of Darkness and a few other countries I have near world domination. Muhahaha.
I, for one, welcome our Codestore overlords.
I think you need to go on a publicity tour of Greenland and central Africa to get your numbers up there!
That's pretty cool. I bet you didn't think you would see numbers like that 7 years ago.
Just think how many lives (developers) you've touched over the years. Mind boggling isn't it?
IE 6.x may still be the predominant version... sucks for us.
Can you distinguish between Chrome and Iron?
Hi Jake, what is that small country somewhere right in the middle just near the UK east coast ;-) it's me ;-) on Google Chrome ;-)
Keep up the good work ! Impressive.
Me regular visitor using chrome from India..I see India is a shade darker.
No. There's no mention of "Iron" anywhere in the stats.