
A Right Royal Success

Her majesty must have had a word and last Friday the weather held off for the wedding. Our street party went ahead without any issues and was a resounding success. All involved had a great time. Particularly the kids, which is the most important thing. It was all about the kids.

Click the image below for more photos.

We managed to clear the road of all cars (and the skip), which I was worried wouldn't happen. This made a great space for the kids to run around and the adults to stand around drinking and eating.

It's just a shame it wasn't truly a street party though. Of the 20 houses on our street only 8 took part. The majority of the people in attendance were invited to be there. Quite a few houses made a clear point of avoiding the whole thing.

One thing I found while organising this event is that some people really are quite miserable.

It was nice to see the community spirit though and lots of people did get involved. As you can see in the photo above, Rob, our carpet-fitter neighbour used a load of offcuts to make a three lane running track. Much fun was had there.

Thanks also to the local village hall who let us loan the tables and chairs. And to all those who made food for the day. Also the local council who let it happen and for coming the day after to collect all the bins.

Until Harry and Chelsea tie the knot the street is now back to normal. Only the odd scraps of bunting offer any clue to anything having happened.

The only trouble now is I've got to get our kids used to the idea that the road isn't always a safe place to play.


  1. Simply fab. Nicely done, Mr. Howlett. I like that pic - reminds me of happy times as a boy at my Uncle's in the summer.

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Written by Jake Howlett on Wed 4 May 2011

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